Is Touch for Health for You?

” Your class was life changing and I can’t wait for more. I love the work that you do! Thank you so much Terri!”
– Alisha Wiskirchen, Licensed Massage Therapist

Touch for Health is a holistic approach that teaches students how to restore the body’s natural energies. It’s a practical approach that uses acupressure, touch reflexes, and massage, to help improve posture, and to reduce physical and mental strain.

About The Workshops

Touch for Health workshops are great for anyone who wants to improve their health and help others to do the same. Basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology are helpful, but not necessary. Touch for Health complements and can be used in conjunction with many other healing modalities. Touch for Health is a modality in itself that balances the body’s muscles and organs and is effective for dealing with pain, posture and stress.

For Professionals
These workshops are ideal for Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Reflexologists, Physical and Occupational therapists, Chiropractors, Fitness Instructors, Personal Trainers, Coaches, Herbalists, Nutritionists, Doulas, EFT Practitioners, Naturopaths, Aromatherapy Practitioner, lay people and more. Read information on CE credits for health professionals here.

For Parents
Dr. Thie wrote the curriculum with both the professional and layperson in mind. His vision was that at least one person in every family know these techniques. As a mom, I used many of the techniques on my kids growing up. I used muscle testing for food sensitivities. I rubbed neurolymphatics points before sports and to settle nausea after going on a wild ride at an amusement park. I memorized the reflex points that help headaches and stomach aches. There are even techniques to help them feel calm and confident before exams and performances. Learning these techniques can be extremely helpful for parents.

Touch for Health is the most widely used system of kinesiology in the world today.

You can trace most kinesiology programs back to Touch for Health as their original training. It is recognized and respected throughout the world as a solid-foundation course.

Touch for Health was developed by John Thie, DC, in the early 1970’s and incorporates the research of of Dr. George Goodheart, the founder of Applied Kinesiology. Dr. Thie got great results in his patients by combining Western techniques, Chinese medicine and stimulating specific reflexes on the head and body. He was able to positively affect muscle tension, posture, nutrition, emotion, and attitude in just minutes!

Muscle testing allowed Dr. Thie to discover the hidden cause of many puzzling, chronic conditions. It wasn’t long before patients were coming from far and wide to have him do what seemed like “miracle work” to them.

How it Works

Touch for Health is a systematized method of bringing balance to the body’s energy by muscle response testing (MRT) to determine which stimuli stress the body. Physical stress is then decreased by working various reflexes. Touch for Health’s philosophy is similar to traditional Chinese medicine: a strong emphasis on prevention and balance.

Touch for Health workshops are designed to be accessible to the professional and lay person alike. Formal training in anatomy, physiology, muscles, or Chinese acupressure is not necessary to learn Touch for Health. The muscle testing and balancing procedures taught are common among many holistic practitioners who integrate alternative and complementary therapies, such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, nursing, nutrition, etc. as well as the growing profession of specialized kinesiologists.

Many people go to the doctor when trouble arises in order to seek relief from symptoms. Touch for Health focuses on prevention through balance.

Powerful Results

Touch for Health utilizes a combination of techniques, and stimulates reflexes (acupressure, spinal reflexes, neurolymphatic, neurovascular, and cranial reflexes) to promote balance in the body, energy system, and the emotions.

Clients often leave feeling clear, calm, grounded, and balanced after a session. Common outcomes include:

  • Decrease in headaches
  • Greater strength and flexibility
  • Better posture and coordination
  • Improved attitude and calmer emotions
  • Clearer thinking and lowered stress levels
  • Overall reduction in pain
  • Stronger immune system
  • More energy and feelings of vitality

What You Will Learn

  • How to utilize accurate muscle testing as a feedback system.
  • How to identify and honor the bodies preferred corrections in the appropriate order.
  • An effective protocol for balancing the body’s energy.
  • How to surrogate muscle test those who are too weak or sick, young children, and even animals.
  • Understand what muscle testing is.
  • Identify why some muscles are chronically problematic.
  • Learn when emotional stress may be related to lack of progress in healing.
  • Specific techniques to release stress from the body.
  • Nutritional correlations for specific muscles.
  • Identify foods that lower immune function and drain the body of energy.
  • Opposing muscle theory and effective ways to balance hypertonic muscles.
  • The Chinese Five Elements Theory in relation to muscle imbalances.
  • Balancing the energy system using sound and color.
  • Techniques for enhancing visual and auditory functioning.
  • Procedure for addressing neurological disorganization.
  • Identify postural deviations and learn balancing techniques.
  • Release muscle cramps and tight neck muscles in seconds.

Touch for Health Workshop Synthesis

Touch for Health is taught over the course of 4 levels. Each level is 16 hours and builds upon the previous level. Training is based on chiropractor Dr. John Thie’s book “Touch for Health: The Complete Edition”, which outlines a holistic approach for balancing the entire body’s energy systems.

Dr. Thie’s vision was that there would be one person in every family who knows how to use Touch for Health muscle testing techniques. Dr Thie’s book and courses have been taught in over 60 countries and have been translated into many languages. To the delight of his students, the material is user-friendly for the lay person, as well as the professional. View our workshop schedule and find a workshop near you!

Ready to Start Learning?

Discover how to improve posture and flexibility, enhance energy levels, regulate emotions affecting the body, muscle test accurately, trace meridians and balance auricular energy. You’ll even learn effective methods to determine food sensitivities! Touch for Health can help you achieve deep, long-lasting results with less effort than traditional means.

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