How Food Sensitivity Testing Transformed My Son’s Health
By my son’s 2nd birthday, my husband and I were at our wit’s end. Exhausted, confused, desperate, and feeling defeated as parents we cried and prayed for answers. Our son had frequent tummy aches, headaches, ear infections, temper tantrums, hyperactivity, and more. He didn’t listen. We had to call out his name 3 to 5 times before he would minimally respond. This was way beyond what others were calling the “terrible twos”.
It’s estimated that 32 million Americans have food allergies, including 5.6 million children under the age of 18 (FARE). Around 40% of children with food allergies react to several foods, which was the case for our son. Though he never experienced anaphylaxis, his reactions were severe in that they were affecting his brain, body, and nervous system. Identifying these offending foods and eliminating them from his diet was life-changing!
I believe by divine intervention we were introduced to a kinesiologist who identified 9 different food sensitivities in our son. Her findings were confirmed through a follow-up blood test ordered by a medical doctor specializing in alternative health. A few of the foods he reacted to were dairy, peanuts, corn, soy, wheat, and food dyes. The worst offender by far was high fructose corn syrup. This was one of the most challenging foods to avoid because it seemed to be hidden in almost everything.
Within a couple of weeks of cleaning up his diet, we began to see significant changes. He was sleeping through the night and wasn’t complaining of headaches or stomachaches. The biggest difference we noticed was that we no longer needed to call his name 3-5 times before he would respond. The constant fussing and whining stopped. He happily played with others and was being so gentle to his baby sister now. He would sit on my lap the entire length of a story. This was nothing short of a miracle!
Our son was on the road to becoming the happy, healthy, sweet little boy he was meant to be.
After seeing this miracle unfold before me, I was sold on muscle testing! I signed up for my first Muscle Testing class in 1989 and spent the next 30 years taking as many kinesiology classes as I could to continue helping my family, friends, and eventually my clients.
Procedure for Muscle Testing Foods or Substances
There are several ways to test for sensitivities. In my workshops, we always begin by rubbing 3 specific reflex points to enhance communication between the brain and body. Making sure the client is sufficiently hydrated is also an essential step before muscle testing to improve accuracy. You can read about this important step in my blog post 3 Simple Kinesiology Steps to Start Your Day!
Determine how you would like to test the food or substance:
- Holding in the mouth (do not swallow)
- Hold on the parotid gland (cheek)
- Hold on the thymus gland (below collar bone)
- Hold over naval
Make sure you have a balanced indicator muscle to work with before you begin. This is how you will gain accurate feedback from the body. If the muscle unlocks, you can assume the substance is biocidic to the body — it’s not beneficial — and no further testing is required. If it locks, a few additional tests are needed to confirm your results.

If the muscle locks, perform the following test. Sweep the palm side of your hand down the front of the body (tracing the Central meridian backward) starting at the bottom lip and ending at the groin area, then immediately test the muscle. The normal body response is to show an unlock on the downward sweep. When sweeping the hand from the bottom up and immediately testing, it should show a locking response. When a person is sensitive or allergic to a substance, the body’s polarity can switch, causing electrical disturbances in the meridian system. If you’re receiving an opposite response (lock on downwards sweep, unlock on upwards sweep), the body may be telling you the substance is not beneficial.
Make contact with C-1 (at the occiput) while testing the substance. The muscle should stay strong, demonstrating the substance is not causing an energetic imbalance to the brain, and the substance is okay. (You or the client may touch C-1.) If it unlocks when touching C-1, the body is likely showing you the substance is not beneficial.
There are other nuances to sensitivity testing you’ll learn in my Specialized Kinesiology Master Series 1 class workshop. Feel free to email me with any questions (
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