This Chinese Meridian Technique Works Wonders for Acute Pain!

I find it so fascinating that Chinese medicine theory states that all dis-ease begins inside the energy system before physical symptoms show up in the body.

The acupuncture system was created by the Chinese 5000 years ago. They discovered that disease occurred when the life-force, or qi (pronounced, chi), is not flowing freely. Chi is a clear, noncellular, free flowing liquid that moves through various channels in the body called meridians. Optimal health is defined as a state where there is neither a deficiency nor an excess of chi in the meridian system.

These pathways contain many special electrical points throughout, called acupuncture points. The acupuncture meridian system has been measured and confirmed through modern technological means. Each meridian runs in a specific direction, either up or down the body.

Chinese Meridians Technique

We can affect meridian flow by moving our hands (within 2″ of the body’s surface) along these meridian pathways. The current in our hands helps encourage the flow of the electromagnetic chi. Pain is often a sign there’s too much chi stuck in a particular meridian pathway.

Last night, my daughter came over for a visit and told me she was having pain across her middle back as a result of diving off a swimming dock a few days ago.

Since “pain” is often a result of excess energy/chi in a meridian, I immediately thought of a quick and simple technique taught in Touch for Health. I would pull off excess energy from the involved meridian by tracing it backwards. Tracing in the proper direction brings energy, going backwards withdrawals chi/energy.

To know which meridian was involved, I looked at my handy meridian chart to see if there was a meridian that ran through her pain site. Ah ha! The bladder meridian has two lines that run parallel down each side of the spine, right through her painful area. I had a good suspicion this was the meridian to work with.

To confirm my assumption, I checked her bladder alarm point by having her circuit locate (touch the alarm point) while I tested her indicator muscle. Sure enough, the indicator muscle unlocked, showing there was excess energy in her bladder meridian.

I had her gently bend forward and sideways to assess her pain and range of motion before I did the technique. On a 1-10 pain scale, she rated her pain at 8. All I did was trace her bladder meridian backwards 3 times and finished with one trace in the proper direction. Then I asked her to bend forward and move the same way she did a couple minutes ago. With a look of surprise on her face, wide eyes and mouth hanging open, she said she could barely feel the pain anymore! Her pain level went from an 8 down to a 1 in just three minutes!

Correcting imbalances in the energy system before a massage just makes more sense to me. I get deeper, longer lasting results when I do energy balancing first. Granted, I do love massage, but the massage is more like a delicious dessert after the main course, Specialized Kinesiology energy balancing!

Wondering how you can learn more about this technique? In our Touch for Health workshops, you’ll learn in-depth about Chinese Meridian techniques along with other powerful pain relief techniques. Take a look at our workshop schedule here.

This Chinese Meridian Technique Works Wonders for Acute Pain!
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