How Food Sensitivity Testing Transformed My Son’s Health

By my son’s 2rd birthday, my husband and I were at our wits end. Exhausted, confused, desperate, and feeling like failures as parents, we cried and prayed for answers. Our son had frequent tummy aches, headaches, ear infections, temper tantrums, hyperactivity, and more. He didn’t listen to us very well, either. We had to call out his name 3 to 5 times before he would respond.

Reset Your Internal Clock for Jet Lag, Daylight Savings, and to Increase Your Energy!

Light is one of the main guides our body uses to manage our internal “clock”. A rapid journey through multiple time zones can put our internal clock out of sync with the new day-and-night rhythm. Our internal clock gets confused as it attempts to adapt to a new time, a new light/dark rhythm, and a different activity/inactivity cycle.

Science Proves Gratitude Changes Our Physiology

We are often told, “Stop feeling sorry for yourself.” That never really helped me much. Sometimes it’s hard to avoid self-pity entirely, however choosing to exchange self-pity for gratitude can be very powerful in a multitude of ways. Countless studies published in prominent journals over the past decade have shown that people who count their blessings are less depressed and experience more joy and happiness.

How To Easily Resolve Stress-Related Headaches Using The Stomach’s Neuro-Vascular Holding Points

For thousands of years, people have been trying to understand causes and cures for headaches. The use of non-prescription painkillers is often used as a shotgun technique masking symptoms. Even though studies have proven these drugs have ill effects on vital organs, sales continue to soar. In the 1930’s, an osteopath named Dr. Terrence Bennett discovered by lightly touching specific spots located mostly on the head, blood flow to certain organs would improve.

Ancient Japanese Finger Holding Technique to Balance the Body’s Bioelectromagnetic Energy

Japanese finger holds or (Jen Shin Jyutsu) was originally based on the work of Jiro Murai. Before he died, he passed on his knowledge to Mary Burmeister who then brought it to the United States in 1953. In 1990, an American naturopathic doctor named Glenn T. King redesigned Jin Shin Jyutsu using a Christian, Western worldview.

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