Science Proves Gratitude Changes Our Physiology

We are often told, “Stop feeling sorry for yourself.” That never really helped me much. Sometimes it’s hard to avoid self-pity entirely, however choosing to exchange self-pity for gratitude can be very powerful in a multitude of ways. Countless studies published in prominent journals over the past decade have shown that people who count their blessings are less depressed and experience more joy and happiness.

Only One Kinesiology Session

Hi, my name is Melissa Tiedt. I met Terri through a friend, and I am so grateful that I did. One and a half years ago I had a rectal hernia. I had the surgery and was told by the doctor I’d be back to work in 2-6 weeks. I woke up from surgery in pain and my active lift style was dramatically changed.

Relieve a Headache Quickly Without Medication

According to Terrence Bennett, a chiropractor in the 1930’s who discovered neurovascular points, having a headache located on the forehead or behind the eyes, might be considered a “stomach” headache, and is possibly related to stress or being overwhelmed.

Many claim to alleviate this type of headache by natural means.

In Touch for Health you learn that certain emotions can affect certain organs, and that the head has neurovascular points that correlate with a specific organs.

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