10 Criteria For Choosing a Dynamic CE Course That Stands Out From The Rest

Specialized Kinesiology Master Series is meritable because it’s one of the few courses I’ve come across that meets all 10 standards of a high-quality CE program.

As health practitioners, it’s important to have a well-rounded education. Excellent therapists are those that are committed to lifelong learning.

A wise decision when choosing a CE course is to pick one that stands out from the rest and shows promise for growing your practice. 

Getting clear on what you’re looking for can help in the decision-making process. Follow the 10 criteria below when looking for a high-quality CE course that will set you apart in your industry.

1. Common techniques vs. innovative modalities 

Common techniques learned in massage schools are great for getting you started. However, it’s not long before you’ll feel the need for more advanced training.

Working at a deep level, combining western techniques with ancient Chinese medicine is what you learn in the SK Master course. Discovering compensations and hidden blocks to healing are often the missing link to stalled client progress. Making the investment to learn effective, advanced modalities are well worth their weight in gold.

2. Modalities that need no special equipment, devices, or tools

Practitioners who don’t require special tools, tables, or equipment have an advantage over others. 

Once you learn how to muscle test accurately, like in the SK workshop, you’ll have this skill with you for the rest of your life. Your hands are now your tools. You’ll learn to use muscle testing to gain feedback from the client’s body much in the way expensive biofeedback machines work.

You’ll be able to perform an energy-balancing session anywhere. The client can be ‘balanced’ in any position, lying down or seated.  This way is convenient and cost-effective.

3. Learn techniques that are easy on your body

The energy balancing sessions you learn in SK incorporate muscle testing and reflex work into every session. This is much easier on the practitioner’s body. Typically, traditional massage is performed with the client being passive and the practitioner doing all the work. 

SK sessions allow the client to play an active role in their healing process. Sometimes the client assists by rubbing certain reflexes on the front of their body while the therapist massages reflex points on the back. You’ll verbally dialogue and collaborate with your client throughout the session asking for their feedback at times. Time will be spent coaching clients to notice changes taking place in their bodies. Another unique feature you learn in the SK course is that of ‘empowering your clients’ by teaching them self-care techniques they can easily perform on themselves between sessions.

This gentle, collaborative way of working also safeguards against injuries, prevents burnout, and allows you to keep your own energy at high levels.  

4. Continued support, access to the instructor for later questions 

Having access to the instructor after a CE course is over is rare. It’s often not until most courses are finished that many questions arise. Being able to get clarification down the road is invaluable. 

When continued support is available after taking a CE workshop, practitioners are more likely to build confidence and incorporate the new techniques into their practice. That is something Specialized Kinesiology students receive.

5. Community involvement through FB, networking, and regular meet-ups

Therapists who practice independently in their field can feel alone at times. The community involvement through Facebook, networking, and regular student meet-ups after completing a Specialized Kinesiology workshop have proved to be helpful resources for many. Practitioners have the opportunity to learn from peers and gain valuable insights while receiving ongoing encouragement and support.

6. Self-care techniques to use professionally and personally

Practitioners who take the time to learn practical techniques for self-care not only improve their own health but also set a positive example for their clients! Seeing their example helps build trust and credibility with clients. 

Practicing self-care also better equips practitioners to handle the challenges of life.

In Specialized Kinesiology Master Series, there’s an entire module dedicated to the self-care of the practitioner. Students are taught to apply many of the same techniques on themselves as they’re using on their clients.

7. Gentle techniques that don’t wear down your health

Practitioners who want to go the distance for many years should focus on learning safe, gentle, and non-invasive techniques that don’t wear down their own bodies. The converse can lead to forced time off to recover or retire early because of health issues.

Working smarter instead of harder helps ensure you’ll be able to continue doing the work you love into the golden years if you choose.

8. Freedom to modify and combine the techniques

SK combines nicely with other modalities. You may perform an SK energy balancing session alone or you may combine it with other therapies. Students are encouraged to make the techniques their own by finding what works for them. Sometimes they’ll mix and match or even modify techniques, tailoring them to fit specific client needs. Flexible practitioners who have the ability to combine therapies, and who are able to use a variety of techniques, will be able to meet the needs of more clients.

9. Techniques you can perform fully-clothed to save money and time

Many health practitioners are keenly aware of the costs involved in providing quality health care these days.

One way to cut down on overhead is by offering sessions that don’t require disrobing. All the SK sessions are performed fully clothed. This eliminates the extra time needed for dressing, changing, and washing sheets. Money and time are both saved by utilizing the SK method and it’s a win-win for both the practitioner and the client!

10. Long-term access to course videos & demos 

Practitioners who take continuing education courses that provide long-term access to course videos and demos are better off than those who don’t. In SK, students have the ability to review the course material at their own convenience.

They can go back and review specific parts they may have missed. Having long-term access to courses gives practitioners more opportunities to build confidence and success!

Making decisions on which CE course to choose doesn’t have to be difficult.

By considering the 10 standards listed above and comparing them to what Specialized Kinesiology offers, you’ll be able to easily narrow down your choices. Choose a course that’s going to set you apart in your industry, help you save time, money, and energy plus catapult you to success!


10 Criteria For Choosing a Dynamic CE Course That Stands Out From The Rest
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