Auricular Technique for Neck Pain & Auditory Processing

Auricular therapy is based on the ancient acupuncture system which is over 5000 years old. In the ears alone, more than 400 known acupuncture points related to the body, similar to foot reflexology, have been identified.

This amazing technique often yields instant and measurable results:

  • Good for releasing neck and shoulder pain
  • Can release body pain and stiffness anywhere
  • Improves listening, stimulating auditory processing 
  • Filters out distracting sounds (ticking clock, a dripping faucet, etc)
  • Instantly energizes the body and mind

It can be used for self-care or incorporated into a massage session or other therapies.

Procedure for using auriculars for neck and shoulder issues:

1. Pre-check: Turn head in all directions. Turn left, right, up/down, side bend. Note the range of motion, pain, or stiffness using a 1-10 rating scale.

2. Vigorously massage starting at the top of your ears and working all the way down to the bottom, pulling, stretching, and rubbing both ears inside and out while the head faces forward x3. Remember to breathe deeply.

3. Turn the head to one side and rub the ear on that side only, focusing on any pain or stiffness in your neck or shoulders. Do the same thing with the head turned in the other direction. Remember to breathe deeply.

If you experienced pain looking up or down, rub the ears while your head is in that direction also.

4. Post-check: Move your neck in all directions and see how pain/stiffness has changed or how much less the previously annoying sound seemed to have quieted down.

NOTE: As an option, since the ears relate to the whole body, (similar to foot reflexology) you could perform pre and post-assessments including forward, side bending, and twisting.

Releasing neck tension ~

This is especially helpful for anybody whose work involves turning the head a lot, like taxi or truck drivers, cashiers, etc. I do this technique during long car trips when I’ve had my head turned in one direction for a long time or when I’ve been sitting at the computer unconsciously straining my neck.

Filter out distracting sounds for better focus ~

Rate the annoying sound on a 1-10 scale before the procedure and after. I’m an auditory learner and find myself sensitive to sounds at times. This technique has especially helped me when I’m trying to study and there’s a distracting sound in the background.

Stimulate auditory processing for improved listening ~

I often unroll my ears before I attend a lecture. When my kids were little we would turn our “listening ears” on before storytime. This would perk up their comprehension and hold their attention. Sometimes I would have them do the exercise in the morning before they went out the door to school. It worked like a charm.

I challenge you to improve your positivity and nurture yourself today by balancing your auricular energy.

You deserve it! 😁

Auricular Technique for Neck Pain & Auditory Processing
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