Easy Spring Liver Cleanse

The goal in cleansing your liver is to rid your liver of toxins and leave it healthy and fully functional. By boosting your liver’s health, your digestive tract and immune system will benefit. You may even feel relief from allergies symptoms and even out blood sugar levels. Aside from maintaining your overall health, proponents of the liver cleanse claim it offers relief from fatigue, brings mental clarity and decreases overall body aches.

Only One Kinesiology Session

Hi, my name is Melissa Tiedt. I met Terri through a friend, and I am so grateful that I did. One and a half years ago I had a rectal hernia. I had the surgery and was told by the doctor I’d be back to work in 2-6 weeks. I woke up from surgery in pain and my active lift style was dramatically changed.

How Often To Receive A Balance?

“How often should touch for health be done with new clients?” came in from Brenda Sonderegger. Thanks Brenda! Her question has prompted this post. What you need to know when a client asks, “How often should I receive a Touch for Health balance?” A person can receive a Touch for Health balance any time they are experiencing physical or emotional pain.

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