Interview with Matthew Thie, by Alexis Costello

Just want to share with you a video interview with Matthew Thie that has some gems. If you’re thinking about taking one of my workshops or are a Touch for Health practitioner, you may want to also watch the videos below.

Matthew Thie, M. Ed  President of Touch for Health Education, is the son of Touch for Health founder and author of the Touch for Health manual, John Thie.

Alexis Costello, editor of Specialized Kinesiology Magazine, intereviewed Matthew by video.

Here are a couple of gems from the third segment we thought you’d like.

Very Important Benefits of Specialized Kinesiology

When you get more into a holistic, self-responsibility model, you actually empower the individual and get their energy flowing. I believe the outcomes are much better than if you do diagnosis and treatment alone, especially if you’re talking about long-term developing wellness and health.
–Matthew Thie

One reason to take Specialized Kinesiology classes

To become empowered in your own healthcare, and to realize where you do have power and can make healthy choices that are going to have a big impact today in how your feeling, but [also] in the long term in longevity, in your wellness over time.

The tools help you get into a more balanced state so you start feeling good, and your healing system, your immune system, starts to function better automatically.

But even more powerful than that, is you come into a centered space where you can see things in a more clear, calm way and make decisions about what you choose to do in life to take care of yourself, rather than kinda going through your day just reacting… When you can do something…to bring that harmony between the internal and external…it makes you much more powerful to make healthy decisions for yourself.
–Matthew Thie

Here is the three-part video interview of Matthew, by Alexis Costello. Enjoy!

Interview with Matthew Thie, by Alexis Costello
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