How Specialized Kinesiology Helped My Newborn Grandson

I recently experienced some amazing outcomes from using SK techniques and was excited to share my experience with you!

I was down in Texas the entire month of September to spend time with my daughter and attend the delivery of my first grandson.

Unfortunately, I tested positive for Covid while I was there…

Oh dear, the baby was due any time and I did not want to miss the delivery! But I was highly motivated to get well.

So what did I do during my quarantine? I drank lots of fluids, rested well, and used many Specialized Kinesiology techniques on myself daily. Within a week, I was back in the game, just in time for labor to begin!

After a long, hard labor, my sweet little grandson was born. We were all surprised when the midwife announced that he was born with a tongue and lip tie which needed to be released very soon if he was going to be able to nurse.

After he underwent the corrective procedure he was required to have painful physical therapy exercises to be done inside his mouth with every feeding. Poor baby! 😩

During these painful sessions, I held the acupressure points on the bottom of his feet: Kidney-1. This meridian endpoint (which you learn about in my SK Master Series 1 workshop) is used for calming emotion and decreasing pain.

He was also swallowing excessive amounts of air while nursing because he was not able to get a good latch. I massaged all his neurolymphatic points regularly with a special focus on the CNL points for the lung and diaphragm. Most feedings were followed by troublesome hiccup episodes.

Working the CNL Reflexes seemed to help shorten the episodes. These bothersome hiccups irritated him so I held his emotional stress release points on his forehead to soothe him. I was able to use some of the same relaxing techniques on my daughter as well.

I’m more committed than ever to sharing these golden nuggets with as many people as I can to help reduce stress and pain. Everything you need is in your hands.

They can be applied to so many situations, whether it’s with clients, family, or for your newborn grandchild as I did!

If you haven’t taken my SK workshop yet, I highly recommend you register as soon as possible.

How Specialized Kinesiology Helped My Newborn Grandson
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